Who's gonna save my soul now?
question never leaves my lips
God will protect me.
statement never captures my heart
But I do pray.
hope doesn't always match the odds
So I'll hold on tight.
effort doesn't produce freedom
Still I endure the pain.
perspective can't change the truth
So I try to capture the moments of joy.
will isn't enough to shield fear and shame
Who will catch me if I fall?
caution bears no immunity from violation
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
courage to protest often remains unheard
I will stand and fight, no matter the cost.
vehemency won't relieve fury and bitterness
I am not a victim, I am a survivor.
integrity won't serve justice in the end
For those who are gone, I have to speak out.
words betray me, and the burden is mine alone
You devote your time and energy to heal me.
hands cannot fix what is impossible to touch
When my spirit screams, will you hear it?
agony is a silent, nameless solitude
There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
nightmares still haunt me, predicting catastrophy
For every step forward, there are ten steps back.
love keeps me standing, as faith will wax and wane
Life is always passing, going faster when I fall.
scars speak a thousand words, carved into my heart
Depression is a blanket when desire comes up lame.
repugnant thoughts surround me then distance is a friend
Fire won't go quietly, scorching all things reached by wind.
rebirth is my blessing and my spirit will transcend
(praising the greats: nod in appreciation of influence of Gnarls Barkley, Nietzche)

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